Tag: Maximizing Outcomes

Using Life Insurance as an Asset in Your Portfolio (Ep. 23)

Using Life Insurance as an Asset in Your Portfolio (Ep. 23)

In this episode, Bobby Samuelson, President and CEO of Life Innovators, breaks down the complexities of traditional fixed income investing options, and explores how life insurance can be used as an asset in your overall portfolio.

He breaks down how whole life insurance can be a versatile financial instrument, used for the protection of families and businesses, while helping build and enhance wealth. Bobby covers the unique benefits that differentiate whole life insurance from other financial instruments, how it works, its uses, and flexibility.

Bobby discusses:

  • His journey: Past work and what he’s currently doing as the president of Life Innovators
  • Why demand is on the rise for whole life insurance and annuities
  • The stability and returns trade-off of an insurance policy vs. a fixed-income portfolio
  • The complexities associated with investing in bonds
  • The benefits of whole life insurance
  • And so much more!


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About Our Guest:

Bobby Samuelson co-founded Life Innovators in 2018 and has been President and CEO since its inception. 

Bobby was formerly Senior Vice President and Head of Life Insurance and Annuity Product Development and Pricing at Brighthouse Financial and Vice President of Life Product Development at MetLife. 

Prior to joining MetLife in 2013, Bobby was a consultant to life insurers, distributors and high-end agents. He is the third generation of his family to work in life insurance. He is also the Executive Editor of The Life Product Review since 2012. 

Bobby is a regular keynote speaker at corporate and industry events.

How Much Life Insurance Can You Own? (Ep. 22)

How Much Life Insurance Can You Own? (Ep. 22)

It’s impossible to measure the value of a human life. Who you are as a person, and what you mean to your family, friends, and your community, cannot be measured or a dollar value placed upon it. If you suddenly died, such a loss would be permanent, profound, and irreplaceable. Your future earnings potential is about the only thing that is replaceable through proper life insurance protection.

In this episode, we discuss the different mindset people tend to have when insuring material possessions vs. their own life. We also discuss how much life insurance you may be able to acquire based on your age and income, and why trying to figure out coverage amounts based on a needs analysis is the opposite of what most people truly want.

By the end of this episode, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of how life insurance companies can determine the amount of coverage you’re eligible for, and what you can do to help protect the lifestyle you and your family worked so hard to create.

Jim discusses:

  • The importance of life insurance to help ensure that your family can maintain their lifestyle and financial security in the event of your death
  • Why insurance companies won’t allow someone to over-insure their property, income, or life
  • How trying to take a needs approach to determining your life insurance coverage is the opposite of how you treat your career
  • Life Insurance coverage amounts for business owners vs non-business owners
  • And a lot more!


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All The Ins And Outs of Student Loans With Mackensie Ellis (Ep.17)

All The Ins And Outs of Student Loans With Mackensie Ellis (Ep.17)

If you’re feeling stressed about your student loans, we hope this episode can provide relief and support to help you clear your debts.

With the latest announced student loan forgiveness program, there have been many prompting questions about ways to control student loan debt. 

In this episode, Jim McGovern talks with Mackensie Ellis, manager of Business Development at GradFin, to discuss ways you can create a great action plan for your student loan debt. Mackensie will walk you through the loan forgiveness program, who qualifies, the go-to resources.

Mackensie discusses:

  • The repayment options that are available for student loans
  • The details regarding the student loan forgiveness program and who qualifies for it
  • How to strategically lower interest rates and free up cash flow while paying your student loans
  • Why now is the best time to be a public service worker if you have student loan debts
  • And more


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Connect With Mackensie Ellis:

About Our Guest:

Mackensie started as a Business Development Associate at GradFin in November 0f 2019. Prior to GradFin, she attended the University of Pittsburgh and received her degree in psychology. Mackensie has always had a love for sales which is what drew her to GradFin. She is originally from Pittsburgh and now lives in Philadelphia!

How To Create A Buy-Sell Agreement (Ep.16)

How To Create A Buy-Sell Agreement (Ep.16)

One of the most important documents that a business owner should have is a buy-sell agreement which doesn’t seem to get a whole lot of attention.

In this episode, Jim McGovern shares a step-by-step process for creating a buy-sell agreement without losing out on the value of your business. He will give you tips on how to get started and keep your business protected.

Jim discusses:

  • What a buy-sell agreement is and why it is important
  • The basics of how a buy-sell agreement works
  • Why this agreement is better off being a standalone document
  • Four topics commonly addressed in a buy-sell agreement 
  • Five tips for creating a buy-sell agreement
  • And more


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Knowing The Value of Your Business With Jason Early (Ep.15)

Knowing The Value of Your Business With Jason Early (Ep.15)

98% of business owners don’t know the value of their business. Yet, most business owners are banking on the sale of their company someday to fund their retirement. 

In this episode, Jim McGovern talks with Jason Early, president of BizEquity, to discuss why you deserve to know the value of your business and what you can do with this information.

Jason discusses:

  • The importance of a business valuation
  • How often your business should have a valuation and how you can benefit from it
  • How inflation and interest rates are putting pressure on the value of a business
  • The time commitment and preparation needed for a business valuation
  • And more


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About Our Guest:

After nearly a decade in financial services and technology/consulting, Jason joined BizEquity as CRO leading the sales, marketing, and customer success teams. As President, Jason partners with the leadership team to shape the vision and serve the team to deliver on BizEquity’s mission. Jason is the co-chair of Pavilion Philadelphia, and former board member of the American Ireland Fund, American College Alumni Board, and the Brian H. Early Foundation.

Defined Outcome Investing By Using Structured Notes With Jason Barsema (Ep.14)

Defined Outcome Investing By Using Structured Notes With Jason Barsema (Ep.14)

Structured notes have sometimes been perceived as investments for only the rich and wealthy. 

Now with the competitive marketplace, financial advisors have access to low-cost, accessible structured notes that offer investment solutions any individual investor can access.

In the episode, Jason Barsema, CEO of Halo Investing, discusses the details of structured notes, when to use structured notes and how using a platform like Halo investing for structured notes is a great option for investors seeking alternative solutions.

Jason discusses:

  • How Halo Investing helps advisors with structured notes
  • Ways advisors can use the Halo platform
  • The pros and cons of using structured products
  • The basics of understanding structured notes
  • How structured notes fit into a modern portfolio
  • And more


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Connect with Jason Barsema:

About Our Guest:

Jason Barsema is the Co-Founder and President of Halo Investing where he leads the team and product vision. With over a decade of experience managing Structured Notes, he built the Halo platform to provide all investors access to this incredible investment product. Jason previously was a Partner on a large Private Banking team at Credit Suisse, where he managed portfolios for Ultra High Net Worth Individuals and Institutions. Jason has his B.A. in Economics from Northern Illinois University and his M.B.A. from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

Are You Successful, But Not Fulfilled? With Emily Melious (Ep.13)

Are You Successful, But Not Fulfilled? With Emily Melious (Ep.13)

1 in 3 workers are willing to consider a lower paying job if it was a more fulfilling job. It can be nearly impossible to be fulfilled in your life if you are not fulfilled at work. 

In this episode, Emily Melious, CEO and fulfillment coach at Launch Consulting, discusses why fulfillment equals the alignment of your unique skills, passions, and talents. She shares how The Career Navigator Program helps mid-career professionals and high achievers make a job transition to find fulfillment in their work.

 Emily discusses:

  • Why success doesn’t always equal fulfillment
  • The three part proven fulfillment formula™️
  • Why traditional career advice leaves you unfulfilled
  • Why it’s almost impossible to be fulfilled in life if you are not fulfilled at work
  • And more


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Connect With Emily Melious:

About Our Guest:

Emily Melious is the CEO and fulfillment coach at Launch Consulting. Emily helps high achieving mid-career professionals create energizing, satisfying, and fulfilling careers. She’s a certified Kolby consultant at SHRM-SCP and she’s the creator of the 3 part proven fulfillment formula™️.

Debunking Social Security Myths With Elaine Floyd, CFP® (Ep.12)

Debunking Social Security Myths With Elaine Floyd, CFP® (Ep.12)

Are you properly claiming your Social Security benefits?

Most people don’t put enough careful thought into Social Security claims and this mistake can leave you with a reduced retirement income.

In this episode, Jim McGovern talks with Elaine Floyd, CFP®, and author of Savvy Social Security Planning For Boomers. She debunks some of the most common myths about Social Security and shares effective methods that maximize retirement income. 

Elaine discusses:

  • Why you shouldn’t bank on the fear of Social Security cuts 
  • How retirement income for Social Security is calculated and how you can maximize that income
  • Why higher earning spouses should claim at age 70 to maximize the survivor benefit
  • Why retirees should consider auxiliary benefits if they become widowed or divorced 
  • And more


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Connect With Elaine Floyd:

About Our Guest:

Elaine Floyd, CFP® is the director of retirement and life planning at Horsesmouth, a New York-based company that helps financial advisors develop business, advise clients, and manage their practices. She is the author of Savvy Social Security Planning for Boomers and Savvy Medicare Planning for Boomers, two comprehensive training programs designed to educate financial advisors on the important government benefits available to clients when they retire. After 20 years as an independent financial writer of books, articles, and white papers for the financial services industry, she joined Horsesmouth in 2008. Elaine is an authority on Social Security rules and strategies as a result of her intense interest in the subject and analysis of hundreds of cases which have been brought to her by Savvy Social Security Planning program subscribers. Floyd has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News and World Report, Kiplinger’s Retirement Report, and Robert Powell’s Retirement Weekly. 


How to Protect, Grow and Exit Your Company (Ep.11)

How to Protect, Grow and Exit Your Company (Ep.11)

During the life of a business whether it be a company that is big or small, business owners put in long hours, wear different hats, and are pulled in different directions with no shortage of stress.

In this episode, Jim McGovern talks about a clear path to follow so you can protect the company you have built, position this company for growth in the future, and exit the company on your own terms.

Jim discusses:

  • The differences between small businesses and public traded companies
  • The importance of the transferable value of your company
  • Protection in place to keep cash flow coming in the door
  • How retention incentives can help you reach business objectives
  • And more


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Protecting Your Cash Flow (Ep.9)

Protecting Your Cash Flow (Ep.9)

One of the most important financial resources that you have is cash flow. We use cash flow to determine how to spend, save and plan our money for the future. 

What happens to you when your cash flow stops as a result of a health-related matter?

In this episode of Maximizing Outcomes, Jim McGovern discusses health-related issues that may stop you from earning a pay check. He also discusses why your employer’s insurance coverage doesn’t completely protect you. 

Jim discusses:

  • What disability insurance is and how it works
  • The reasons why you could stop earning a pay check
  • The two types of disability insurance
  •  Why your employer’s insurance doesn’t completely cover you
  • And more


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